14 May 2024, 17:00-18:00 CET/CEST, Pharmacoeconomics and Patient preferences in chronic inflammatory diseases.


As the therapeutic landscape for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) continues to expand, there arises a need to understand how patients perceive and value the attributes associated with both current and emerging treatments. This European patient preference study aimed to quantify IBD patients preferences for treatment and disease-related attributes. A survey incorporating a discrete choice experiment (DCE) comprising 14 attributes with a partial profile design was disseminated among IBD patients. The survey design was informed by a prior literature review, qualitative research with patients, and expert discussions. Multinomial logit models were used to estimate DCE attribute weights and assess potential interactions. Over 1200 IBD patients across 37 countries completed the survey. Detailed results will be presented in the session. Gastrointestinal problems were considered very important to IBD patients next to other quality of life-related attributes affecting IBD patients’ physical, mental, and psychological health such as fatigue, sleeping problems, and risk of surgery. Noteworthy, characteristics that distinguish the different treatments from each other (such as mode of administration and onset of action) seem less important to patients. Observed differences in patients preferences as revealed in the DCE emphasize the imperative role of considering patients preferences in treatment selection.

Prof. Paweł Kawalec MD, PhD, Jagiellonian University Medical College (JU MC), Poland

Pawel Kawalec is the Head of the Nutrition and Drug Research Department of the Institute of Public Health, Jagiellonian University Medical College (JU MC). Graduate from the Faculty of Medicine of the JU MC (2000); public health specialist; since 2002, he has been employed at the Institute of Public Health JU MC. He conducts research and teaching in areas such as: pharmacoeconomics, Health Technology Assessment, Evidence-Based Medicine, drug management, pharmacology. He was a leader of numerous national and international scientific projects, and co-author of over a hundred Impact Factor publications. His research focuses on meta-analysis and network meta-analysis for evaluation of clinical effectiveness and safety profile of biologic therapies in inflammatory bowel diseases but also on reimbursement issues and availability of innovative drugs for patients within the EU.

Isabelle Huys, KU Leuven, Belgium

Isabelle Huys is full professor at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences KU Leuven, head of Unit Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy and leading several projects in the group Regulatory Sciences. Her research focuses on optimizing market access of medicines to patients, by improving pathways for medicines development up to regulatory approval, health technology assessment (HTA), reimbursement and clinical adoption. Her scientific research is directed to patient preference methodologies (qualitative and quantitative techniques) and implementation strategies into medical decision-making. She is currently Chair of the ELSI Board of EIT health, the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Health Ethical-Legal-Social Issues (ELSI).

Contact: Isabelle.huys@kuleuven.be