Working Groups

WG5: Dissemination, & sustainability


Prof Georgios Kararigas (WG5 Leader)
Ms. Azra Guzonjic  (WG5 Co-Leader)


This WG focuses on coordinating all communication and dissemination activities of the Action via the website, social media, open access journals, etc. The Action’s website and social media serve as the main communication channels between Action members and stakeholders. Furthermore, this WG will be responsible for training YRIs and organising educational activities within the Action.

Tasks and activities:

  • T1: Set up and maintain a website as a dissemination and internal communication platform.
  • T2: Create a professional social-media account (e.g., LinkedIn) to keep professional stakeholders updated about the Action.
  • T3: Create and distribute newsletters, posters, factsheets and leaflets to present findings in a condensed format (appropriate and adjusted to each group of stakeholders).
  • T4: Coordinate the publication of reviews, protocols, position papers, etc.
  • T5: Provide patient testimonies and short educational videos on TDM, subtitled in multiple languages, with a specific attention given to children with inflammatory diseases.
  • T6: Organise seminars, webinars, at least one MOOC and a conference on treatment optimisation of therapeutic antibodies (in close collaboration with WG1-4).
  • T7: Coordinate the organisation of training schools (in close collaboration with WGs 1-4).
  • T8: Coordinate the organisation of STSMs.


  • D1: Website fully functioning and online.
  • D2: Social media profiles online.
  • D3: Publication and mailing of six-monthly Action newsletter.
  • D4: Report on STSM calls.
  • D5: Report on the two training schools per year (starting from Year 2).
  • D6: Report on the yearly workshop.
  • D7: Report on the final Action conference.