The ENOTTA HEOR Training School and Management Committee Meeting were held at the Polytechnic University of Porto!

ENOTTA organized “The Health Economics and Outcomes Research Training School (HEOR)” from December 11 to 13, 2023, followed by the MC/WG meeting from December 13 to 15, 2023, in the picturesque city of Porto, Portugal! The HEOR Training School aimed to share knowledge and innovative perspectives in health economics, assisting trainees in understanding and interpreting pharmacoeconomic data. Over the three days, more than fifteen trainees had the opportunity to improve their skills and network, familiarize themselves with the fundamental concepts of health economics, and get an overview of economic analyses through interactive learning. Many thanks to all of the instructors: Olga Pitsillidou, Mehtap Cakmak Barsbay, Konstantin Tachkov, Panagiotis Petrou, Paweł Kawalec , and Petya Milushewa for sharing their knowledge through interesting workshops and presentations.

COST Action ENOTTA 21147 also organized an MC/WG meeting to discuss WG progress and future goals in the leadership of our Action Chair Denis Mulleman. ENOTTA is  working on innovative strategies to optimize treatment with therapeutic antibodies for chronic inflammatory diseases. Many thanks to George Kararigas for organizing this meeting’s scientific program. Special gratitude to our local host institution, Escola Superior de Saúde do Politécnico do Porto (the School of Health at the Polytechnic University of Porto), and our local organizer, Marlene Santos, whose tireless efforts made this event possible. Check out our website for more news and updates about ENOTTA!

Please do not hesitate to contact our Science Communication Coordinator Mehmet Itik for possible collaborations.

COST Association – European Cooperation in Science and Technology

#ENOTTA #COSTactions #HealthEconomics #TrainingSchool #Research #ChronicInflammatoryDiseases

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